Kissing under the mistletoe is probably one of the most popular Christmas traditions. We are not going to try and explain why. However, you will be surprised to find out about its origins, and what it meant in the old times. After reading this text, whenever you get into an awkward situation thanks to this plant, you will know who to blame… or thank.


Mistletoe and pagan rituals

Mistletoe is a poisonous plant, however, people used to believe that it had other powers as well. Druids believed it was a very potent aphrodisiac. They also thought it could cure poisoning and infertility, and used it in many of their rituals. The most famous of those is the Ritual of Oak and Mistletoe. Not only priests like Druids could use it – common people of Celtic tribes used it too, especially for their Winter Solstice festival (the one that coincides with Christmas). That is how the tradition of kissing under this plant originated. Other ancient peoples also considered it important. During the Roman holiday of Saturnalia, couples met under the mistletoe. For Germanic nations and Vikings, it had both negative and positive significance. It was the poison that killed the good god Baldur but was also a symbol of peace and friendship.

Read the next story here: The Most Famous Christmas Present!

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