Jesus Christ Birth – Gospel Facts

The Nativity of Jesus, or the Jesus Christ birth, is described in the Bible and certain historical texts. The celebration of this, most important event in Christianity, is known as Christmas. Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah, God in the form of a human being, born to redeem the sins of humankind and show them the love and mercy of God. The gospels of Luke and Matthew describe the Nativity, while the other gospels do not mention it.

According to the gospels, Joseph and pregnant Mary traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem. During the night they could not find a place to stay, and ended up in a manger, together with the farm animals. Local shepherds were the first to see the baby Jesus. Also, a shooting star showed the way to the manger to the three Wise Men (the Magi). The shepherds represent common people, while the Magi represent nobility. Therefore, Jesus was born to save all people alike.

The majority of Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th. However, some Eastern Orthodox Churches celebrate it on January 7th (including Russian, Ethiopian and Georgian), as all Christians celebrated it until 4th century C.E. The Bible does not mention the precise date.

Jesus Christ Birth

Nativity Scene

A Jesus Christ birth scene is a special exhibition or a public show, which takes place during Christmas season. It is a display of model figures in a setting that depicts the “manger scene”. Moreover, it can be an enactment in which real humans and animals participate. Setting up model representations of the Nativity of Jesus is an old tradition in many, mostly Catholic, nations. People call it presepio in Italy, szopka in Poland and betlémy in the Czech Republic. The enactments are common in the USA and in the White House, the Americans often display model representations.

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